Come Rock By The Sea!

For Floridians, the perfect time of year is upon us! We are in the midst of spring, which would feel more like summer for most of the rest of the country. It’s also the time of year for Rock By The Sea, a charitable music festival in which I am privileged to serve on its board of directors. This 5th annual music festival will take place on April 14-17, 2011 on St. George Island, Florida. That is just 90 minutes from where I live in Tallahassee and right along Florida’s “Forgotten Coast.”

Crowd favorite Sam Thacker performed at Rock By The Sea in 2009 and 2010

If you’re within driving distance of SGI or even care to take a last-minute flight, please consider joining us or making a donation to help the cause. All the proceeds support the Pediatric Brain Tumor Program at Shands Hospital in Gainesville, the Down Syndrome Association of Tallahassee and Camp Sunshine in Atlanta. Ticket information and artist line-up can be found on the Rock By The Sea website, but here’s a little preview of what we have in store for you this week:

Rock By The Sea Preview Video: How YOU Can Make a Difference

RBTS V Artist line-up includes:

  • Shawn Mullins
  • Alternate Routes
  • Tim Brantley
  • Chuck Cannon
  • B-Liminal
  • Georgia
  • The Heyday
  • Lani Daniels
  • Christopher Jak
  • Stevie Monce
  • Claire Wyndham
  • Dirty Shannon
  • JK and the Lost Boys
  • Brian Fechino
  • Sarah Mac Band
  • Stephen Hunley

I look forward to seeing you on the island! Come for one day, one night, or stay all weekend!

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