Arrival in Shanghai

My brother Tony and I boarded our flight from San Francisco on Monday at 2:30 PM PT and 13 hours later we arrived in Shanghai on Tuesday at 5:45 PM Shanghai time! We were in the air about 11 hours, 45 min. It was the longest flight we ever took and yet it didn’t seem too bad.

Arrival in Shanghai!

When we got off the plane, we had our docs checked, picked up our bags, and went right through customs pretty darn fast. We took a cab (about 30 min) to our friend Gianni’s place. Well…almost to his place. We met him at…Starbucks. Yes we went half way around the world to meet a friend at Starbucks.

After dropping our bags at his apartment, we were greeted with a couple of Tsingtao beers and two of his friends – Flo and Jo, one from London, the other from Switzerland.

Great first meal!

We went and ate dinner at a great restaurant and our bellies were quite full. What a delicious meal! We then grabbed a drink at a place called Monkey Bar and then headed back to Gianni’s place and were in bed by 11:30-ish. We slept well! An amazing first night in Shanghai!

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